Dear Sir / Madam,
We are looking forward to welcoming you at this year’s Hannover Fair 2015
We would like to present you our extensive product portfolio of;
• Thermocouples, resistance thermometers,
• Thermowells,
• Indicators,scanners,
• Touch panel paperless recorders and controllers,
• Weighing equipments such as belt weighing systems,
• Dosing belts and etc,
• Automatic control system capabilities in turn-key projects.
will also present in our booth .
You can reach free e-ticket below
(The link takes you straight to the eTicket registration/activation website.
After registration, you receive a personalized ticket by e-mail for printing (in DIN A4 format/letter size) and showing at the entrance.
Your ticket is only valid upon registration/activation, and that this is most conveniently done online, before the show)
Elimko Electronic Instrumentation and Control Co. Ltd.
8.Cad. 21.Sk.(Eski 68.Sk.) No: 16 Emek 06510 Ankara - TURKEY
Phone: +90 312 212 64 50 (Pbx) • Fax: +90 312 212 41 43
E-mail: elimko@elimko.com.tr
Web: www.elimko.com.tr